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JAIP - South Bohemian Agency for Support to Innovations, o.p.s.

was founded in June 2005 through the transformation of the Steering Committee Platform for the Support of Innovations in the South Bohemian Region (SCI) into a non-profit organisation. It took over all of its activities and competences.


The mission of JAIP is to create conditions for the development of research and innovative business in the region, leading to a further rise in its prosperity.

The services of JAIP are based on:

  • consultancy and education support
  • contacts
  • premises
  • financing support


The Agency provides the following beneficial services:

  • Research and development in the area of transition to a regional, skill-based economy, with emphasis on specific regional features
  • Consulting activities, information services including publication activities in research and development policies, research and development economics and management of a regional character
  • Organizing of specialized courses, training and other education events including lecturing activities in the field of research and innovation policy, research management and economics, development and support of regional innovations
  • Training of managers and other employees from the academic and business sphere in the area of protection of intellectual ownership and transfer of technologies
  • Cooperation in the creation, realization and coordination of the (regional) innovation policy

One of the main activities of the JAIP is operating the South Bohemian Technology Park/Incubator (JVTP) at České Budějovice, which concentrates several support tools for starting entrepreneurs in one place, reduces the risk for start-ups and assists them to achieve the level they could engage self-dependently in commercial-economic activities and compete on the market.




  • BC AV CR
  • Budvar
  • CAVD
  • CZBA
  • Eco Tend
  • Envisan Gem
  • Gentrend
  • JAIP
  • Jihočeská univerzita
  • Madeta
  • Forestina
