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Faculty of Sciences


The Faculty of Science is a scientific and educational institution which carries out the research in Biological, Physical, Chemical and IT Sciences and educates students on the basis of their scientific work, together with their teachers. The faculty offers more than 580 courses (lectures, seminars, laboratory courses, field courses) with usual extent of two to four hours per week and the duration of one 15-week term.

The Faculty was established by a group of scientists from the institutes of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic. Their decision to build an educational institution at the university level resulted in a Faculty of Biological Sciences. The members of the Faculty are mostly working at the same time in the Institutes of the Academy of Sciences. It allows the Faculty to offer the above mentioned number of courses each of them delivered by a specialist. Students gain an access to a range of laboratories and devices the faculty could hardly offer. They also from the very beginning become used to work among and to communicate with researchers in their own environment. Thus, the Faculty is rather an institution interconnecting the scientific institutes with the university education and bringing students into these institutions. 1.8.2007, the Faculty of Biological Sciences became the Faculty of Science. The specialized study programs, which were focused almost exclusively on biology, have been expanded to include chemical, physical and mathematical study programs. Also, courses in the offered study programs are included in the training program for future teachers.


Branišovská 31
370 05 České Budějovice
Tel: +420 387 772 244
Fax: +420 385 310 366
Web: http://www.prf.jcu.cz/en/

Přehled kateder vyučujících studijní obory uplatnitelné v biotechnologiích

Název katedry Zkratka Studijní obor (Typ)
Department of Ecosystem Biology KBEBiologie (B)
Péče o životní prostředí - specializace Ekologie půdy (B)
Péče o životní prostředí - specializace Geneticky modifikované organismy (B)
Péče o životní prostředí - specializace Hydrobiologie (B)
Péče o životní prostředí - specializace Krajinná ekologie (B)
Ecosystem Biology - specialization Applied Ecology (M)
Ecosystem Biology - Conservation biology (M)
Ecosystem Biology - specialization Ecology (M)
Ecosystem Biology - specialization Hydrobiology (M)
Ecosystem Biology - specialization Soil Biology (M)
Ecosystem biology (P)
Hydrobiologie (P)
Department of Botany KBOBiologie pro vzdělávání (B)
Botany - specialization Archeobotany (M)
Botany - specialization Bionomy of cyanobacteria and algae (M)
Botany - specialization Population and community ecology (M)
Botany - specialization Mycology (M)
Botany - Systematics of higher plants (M)
Botany - specialization Vegetation ecology (M)
Botany (P)
Department of Plant Physiology KFRExperimental Biology - specialization Physiology of Plants (M)
Department of Animal Physiology KFZExperimental Biology - specialization Physiology of Animals (M)
Fyziologie a vývojová biologie - specializace Fyziologie rostlin (P)
Fyziologie a vývojová biologie - specializace Fyziologie živočichů (P)
Department of Gentics KGNExperimental Biology - specialization Genetics and Gene engeneering (M)
Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics (P)
Katedra medicínské biologie KMEBiomedicínská laboratorní technika (B)
Klinická biologie (M)
Department of Molecular Biology KMBExperimental Biology - specialization Develepomental and Cell Biology (M)
Department of Parasitology KPAParasitology (M)
Department of Parasitology (P)
Department of Zoology KZOAnimal Ecology (M)
Entomology (M)
Zoology of Vertebrates (M)
Entomology (P)
Zoologie (P)
Ústav aplikované informatiky UAIAplikovaná informatika - specializace Bioinformatika (B)
Ústav fyziky a biofyziky UFYBiofyzika (B)
Fyzika (B)
Fyzika  pro vzdělávání (dvouoborové) (B)
Měřící a výpočetní technika (B)
Biofyzika (M)
Učitelství fyziky pro střední školy (M)
Biofyzika (P)
Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry UCHBiological Chemistry (B)
Chemie (B)
Chemie pro vzdělávání (B)
Biological Chemistry (M)
Učitelství chemie pro střední školy (dvouoborové) (M)
Ústav matematiky a biomatematiky UMBAplikovaná matematika (B)
Učitelství matematiky pro střední školy (M)

Datum aktualizace: 17.2.2012



  • BC AV CR
  • Budvar
  • CAVD
  • CZBA
  • Eco Tend
  • Envisan Gem
  • Gentrend
  • JAIP
  • Jihočeská univerzita
  • Madeta
  • Forestina
