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Showing records: 121th - 140th

Role of 5' nontranslated domains of mRNA in regulation of eukaroyot gene expression

Solver: RNDr. Martin Pospíšek, Ph.D. Charles University in Prague...


(Updated: 2005-07-27 15:43:03)

Charakterization of gamma-tubuline complexes and of their role in acentrosomal nucleation and organisation of microtubules

Solver: RNDr. Pavla Binarová, CSc. Institute of Microbiology, AS CR...


(Updated: 2005-07-27 15:43:03)

Charakterization of factores influencing condensation of chromatine during meiotic maturation of pig and bovinne oocytes

Solver: Ing. Michal Kubelka, CSc. Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics, A...


(Updated: 2005-07-27 15:43:03)

Identification of differencialy expressed genes during activation of horse macrophage

Solver: MVDr. Ján Matiašovic, Ph.D. University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutica...


(Updated: 2005-07-27 15:43:03)

Regulation ways of nuclear hormonal receptores in model organism Caenorhabditis elegans

Solver: MUDr. Marta Kostrouchová, CSc. Charles University in Prague...


(Updated: 2005-07-27 15:43:03)

Affection of developmental competition of cattle oocytes by two-step cultivation: testing of embryonal development in vitro a in vivo

Solver: MVDr. Vítězslav Havlíček University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical...


(Updated: 2005-07-27 15:43:03)

Ontogesis of pig interleukine 18 and its importance during bacterial infection

Solver: Ing. Igor Šplíchal, CSc. Institute of Microbiology, AS CR...


(Updated: 2005-07-27 15:43:03)

Function and molecular interaction of DOA protein-kinasis during transduction of signals during drosophila development

Solver: Prof.RNDr. Ivan Raška, DrSc. Institute of Experimental Medicine, AS CR...


(Updated: 2005-07-27 15:43:03)

Mechanism of gene expression regulation by new type of co-activator SNW

Solver:RNDr. Petr Folk, CSc. Charles University in Prague...


(Updated: 2005-07-27 15:43:03)

Caenorhabditis elegans like model organism for study of iheritable metabolic desease

Solver: MUDr. Martin Hřebíček Charles University in Prague...


(Updated: 2005-07-27 15:43:03)

Study of ontogenesis and function of gama/delta T cells of fetal and neonatal pigs

Solver: RNDr. Marek Šinkora, CSc Institute of Microbiology, AS CR...


(Updated: 2005-07-27 15:43:03)

Regulation of transriptional activity during pre-immlantational development of mammals

Solver: RNDr. Jiří Kaňka, DrSc. Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics, ...


(Updated: 2005-07-27 15:43:03)

Regulation of foliculogenesis of pigs by growth…diferenciačním…factor 9

Solver: MVDr. Radek Procházka, CSc. Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics...


(Updated: 2005-07-27 15:43:03)

Charakterization of immune response of inspiratory tract of pig on infection and immunisation by Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae

Solver: Doc.MVDr. Miroslav Toman, CSc. Veterinary Research Institute...


(Updated: 2005-07-27 15:43:03)

Charakterization ",wasting disease", and immunodeficience induced by birdy…leukosním….virus in ducks

Solver: Prof. RNDr. Jan Svoboda, DrSc. Institute of Molecular Genetics, AS CR...


(Updated: 2005-07-27 15:43:03)

Neurohormones regulating development of bugs: model of potentional pesticides

Solver: Doc.RNDr. Jan Žďárek, DrSc. Institute of Organic Chemistry and Bioche...


(Updated: 2005-07-27 15:43:03)

Study of possibility of elevation of production in domestic fowl by modulation of expression and activity of cytochrome P450 in embryonal and postembryonal development

Solver: RNDr. Petr Hodek, CSc. Charles University in Prague...


(Updated: 2005-07-27 15:43:03)

Unreplicative vectors for induction of specific cell immune response

Solver: Ing. Peter Šebo, CSc. Institute of Microbiology, CR...


(Updated: 2005-07-27 15:43:03)

Function of nucleus myosin I

Solver: RNDr. Pavel Hozák, CSc. Institute of Experimental Medicine, AS CR...


(Updated: 2005-07-27 15:43:03)

Identification of Xenopus laevis heterochromosomes

Solver: RNDr. Jaroslav Mácha Charles University in Prague...


(Updated: 2005-07-27 15:43:03)


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