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Found records: 103 (6 sites)
Showing records: 41th - 60th
Genome Transcriptome and Proteome Analysis is a concise introduction to the subj...
(Updated: 2005-09-14 22:56:12)
Rapid advances in the field of genetics present every student and researcher wit...
(Updated: 2005-09-14 22:56:01)
This reference work brings together for the first time all four fields of geneti...
(Updated: 2005-09-14 22:55:56)
DNA Technology, Second Edition, is a survey of biotechnology written to enlighte...
(Updated: 2005-09-14 22:55:52)
This book combines integrated Web exercises with a problem-solving approach to t...
(Updated: 2005-09-14 22:55:24)
A text for a first course in genetics, introducing basic principles through the ...
(Updated: 2005-09-14 22:55:08)
Principles of Gene Manipulation provides an excellent introduction to the area ...
(Updated: 2005-09-14 22:55:04)
Molecular Cloning is an essential information source for laboratories working wi...
(Updated: 2005-09-14 22:54:59)
This on-line book combines the essential elements of the traditional molecular b...
(Updated: 2005-09-14 22:54:10)
Genome analysis has undergone a period of explosive growth in recent years. This...
(Updated: 2005-09-14 22:54:06)
This manual provides a systematic and practical introduction to the bioscience l...
(Updated: 2005-09-14 14:22:03)
Textbook designed to provide analytical strategies necessary to make informed de...
(Updated: 2005-09-14 10:13:21)
yearbook shhep breending in Czech republic...
Beef-raising and sheep in Czech republic in conditions European union....
biodiversity of farm animals...
Sonnensschein has written something very useful, with concise definitions and pr...
Making Diversity WORK is that rare book that was written for all the reasons abo...
The bulk of Wood's book then explains how this principle has been applied in mos...
Just about every student finds it helpful and sees it as a fresh perspective on ...
Gate2Biotech - Biotechnology Portal - All Czech Biotechnology information in one place.
ISSN 1802-2685
This website is maintained by: CREOS CZ
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Interesting biotechnology content:
Biotechnology Journals - Plant, environmetal, animal biotechnology journals
Animal Biotechnology - Information about Animal Biotechnology
Low-cost method removes micro- and nanoplastics from water
Team develops the first cell-free system in which genetic information and metabolism work together