25.11.2024 | Press monitoring
The delivery of nanomedicines using gas bubbles has shown itself to be a unique way of transporting cytotoxins to the lungs of cancer patients. The method enables precise and focused treatments, and the local action of the drugs also prevents a range of side-effects. Results from SINTEF's experiments with mice have shown that the impact of this...
22.11.2024 | Press monitoring
No, you can't eat the world's thinnest spaghetti. It's 200 times thinner than a human hair, which means you'd have a hard time spotting it on a plate and an even harder time cooking it. So why make it? Researchers at University College London (UCL) developed nanoscale threads from a mixture of flour and liquid in an effort to create porous...
20.11.2024 | Press monitoring
While toxic in high concentrations, copper is essential to life as a trace element. Many tumors require significantly more copper than healthy cells for growth – a possible new point of attack for cancer treatment. Research team from the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research has now introduced a novel method by which copper is effectively...
18.11.2024 | Press monitoring
A recent study conducted by scientists at ESPOL has unveiled the biotechnological potential of microorganisms from Antarctica. In this remote continent, where life thrives under extreme conditions, researchers isolated 77 microbial strains from 162 cultures, identifying 49 species, predominantly actinomycetes (66.23%). Sampling conducted at the...
15.11.2024 | Press monitoring
Researchers at University of California San Francisco (UCSF) have developed a single genomic test that can quickly detect virtually any kind of pathogen in a patient. This allows for much quicker diagnoses, enables targeted treatment to begin sooner, and could lower healthcare costs. The test is based on a genomic sequencing technique called...
13.11.2024 | Press monitoring
Researchers at the University of S?o Paulo (USP) in Brazil have developed a novel nanotechnology-based solution for the removal of micro- and nanoplastics from water. Their research is published in the journal Micron. "Nanoparticles aren't visible to the naked eye or detectable using conventional microscopes, so they're very hard to identify...
11.11.2024 | Press monitoring
A survey of a waterway on Wurundjeri land has led to the discovery of new viruses that kill the superbug Klebsiella. With estimates that superbugs will kill at least 10 million people a year across the world by 2050, the finding, led by a partnership of Traditional Owners and Monash University researchers suggests that small waterways may be an...
8.11.2024 | Press monitoring
Currently, grass is mainly used directly as animal feed for cows and other ruminants. These animals have multi-compartmental stomachs that are specialized in breaking down plant fibers. In a biorefining process, the plant material receives rough treatment in a screw press, releasing valuable nutrients from the plant cells together with the liquid...
6.11.2024 | Press monitoring
Researchers from the IBB-UAB have developed a new class of nanostructures capable of trapping and neutralizing large quantities of the SARS-CoV-2 virus particles, both in liquid solutions and on the surface of materials. These novel nanoparticles could be used to manufacture antiviral materials such as wastewater and air filters, and could be...
4.11.2024 | Press monitoring
Scarring of heart tissue can be slowed but not stopped, and can lead to heart failure. But a new study has shown that an existing immunotherapy could stop scar tissue formation after heart attacks. First, team Washington University School of Medicine studied gene expression in 45 donated human hearts, including some that were healthy, some that...
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