Date: 16.9.2013
This one-day course is designed to convey the theory needed to successfully plan and perform your real-time PCR experiments. Attendees will learn how to analyze samples in a qualitative and quantitative way in order to obtain the best results possible.
At the end of the course attendees will be familiar with the theory and practice of real-time PCR and will learn the most cost-effective way to set-up, run and analyse gene expression experiments. Participants will hear about new real-time PCR developments and have time to discuss their own real-time PCR experiments with application support specialists.
Tuition includes training materials, certificates lunch and refreshments. Course fee may be redeemed against every day real-time PCR products using a special promotion provided on the day.
Prerequisite: Basic knowledge in molecular biology.
Courses are delivered in local language unless otherwise stated. Agenda may vary in some regions. Please refer to your specific email communication or local sales representative for the agenda details and language for your region. Course fee is quoted before tax.
Cancellation policy: Life Technologies reserves the right to cancel or reschedule a course up to 10 working days prior to the listed course start date. For more information, please refer to the Terms and Conditons below
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