Date: 20.9.2023
For the first time, scientists have successfully produced full-length spider silk fibers using genetically modified silkworms. With high strength and toughness, this silk has the potential to provide a scalable, sustainable and better-quality alternative to current synthetic fibers like nylon.
The fibers that silkworms build their cocoons with has been cultivated for thousands of years, but while plentiful it’s famously brittle. Spiders, meanwhile, produce enviably tough and strong silk, however, cultivating it on any sort of scale has been out of reach. The “cannibalistic nature of spiders,” note the researchers, makes it impossible to house spiders together without a fight to the death of nearly all animals.
This latest study could be the best of both worlds, and a game-changer in the quest for sustainable production of this elusive natural material. Scientists have been trying to perfect this bionic 'recipe' for more than a decade.
To engineer silkworm with unique spidey senses, Junpeng Mi, researcher at the College of Biological Science and Medical Engineering, Donghua University, and colleagues focused on a small silk protein from Araneus ventricosus, an orb-weaving spider found in East Asia. Using CRISPR-Cas9, the MiSp protein was inserted into the silkworm’s DNA, in place of the gene that codes for the silkworm’s primary silk protein.
The scientists were able to also achieve "localization,” with the gene successfully activated in the silkworm’s DNA, without it interfering with any other aspects of the animal's natural silk production.
Image source: Junpeng Mi.
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