At the beginning of the 21st century, the promises envisaged for biotechnology are becoming reality, pervading more and more industrial sectors and influencing the daily life of many people. The definition of biotechnology has shifted from the narrow one of genetic engineering and monoclonal antibodies to the wider life sciences technology impacting the discovery and development of a wide range of products.
The increasing impact of biotechnology on society and the economy has been accompanied by an expansion of knowledge, tools, methods and strategies that are employed during biotechnology research and development. Therefore this category involves the basic techniques and instruments employed in biotechnology. These tools are used by all areas of applied biotechnology such as health care, chemical industry, the food and agricultural sectors, waste management industry, research equipment and supplies.
Biotechnology is based mainly on the identification, analysis, understanding and modification of the genetic information of living organisms that is stored in DNA molecules. For this purpose is used a wide range of different methods that are known as „genetic engineering“. Once the complete sequence of a DNA molecule has been obtained, the function of the sequence needs to be identified. Biological data are stored in international databases, which include databases on DNA and protein sequences, databases for gene identification, databases of protein families and protein sequences, databases with information on the three-dimensional structure of biomolecules, etc.
Thus genomics and proteomics rely on the ability to handle huge amounts of data and information technology therefore become crucial for modern biotechnology. Specific for data mining in these databases are being developed worldwide.
The new discipline of bioinformatics has emerged at the interface between biology and informatics. Bioinformatics uses biological data and knowledge stored in computer databases, complemented by computational methods to derive new biological knowledge. The new challenge for the research community and industry alike is nanotechnology.
Nanotechnology is often described as the new technological revolution and though its products are yet scarce its potential is considered immense with profound effects in practically all aspects of the economy and society.
Current applications exploit existing knowledge to obtain incremental advantages respect existing products, but in the medium and long term greatly improved or even entirely new applications are expected to emerge opening new opportunities for growth and wealth creation, giving also an essential contribution to cope with the global and environmental challenges.
Gate2Biotech - Biotechnology Portal - All Czech Biotechnology information in one place.
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