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Blood made suitable for all

Date: 3.4.2007 

Scientists have discovered enzymes that can efficiently convert blood groups A, B and AB into the 'universal' O group — which can be given to anyone but is always in short supply. The two novel glycosidase enzymes were identified in bacteria by an international team led by Henrik Clausen of the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. The researchers hope that the enzymes will both improve the erratic supplies of blood around the world, and also the safety of transfusions. Clinical trials to test the safety and effectiveness of their converted blood are being planned. The ABO blood-type system is based on the presence or absence of the sugar-based antigens 'A' and 'B' on red blood cells. Type O blood cells have neither A nor B antigens, so may be safely transfused into anyone. But types A, B and AB blood do, and cause life-threatening immune reactions if they are given to patients with a different blood group. The bacterial glycosidase enzymes strip these antigens away from A, B and AB blood.... Whole article: "www.nature.com":[ http://www.nature.com/news/2007/070326/full/070326-17.html]

Scientists Develop Artificial Blood - Scientists from the University of Sheffield are developing an artificial 'plastic blood´, which could act as a substitute for real blood in emergency situations Because the artificial blood is made from a plastic, it is light to carry and easy to store Donated blood has a relatively short shelf-life of 35 days, after which it must be thrown away The artificial blood is made of plastic molecules that hold an iron atom at their core, just like haemoglobin, that can bind oxygen and could transport it around the body Whole article ScienceDaily (16.5.2007)

Short chromosomes put cancer cells in forced rest - A Johns Hopkins team has stopped in its tracks a form of blood cancer in mice by engineering and inactivating an enzyme, telomerase, thereby shortening the ends of chromosomes, called telomeres "Normally, when telomeres get critically short, the cell commits suicide as a means of protecting the body," says Carol Greider, Ph In an unusual set of experiments, the research team first mated mice with nonoperating telomerase to mice carrying a mutation that predisposed them to Burkitt’s lymphoma, a rare but aggressive cancer of white blood cells Whole article: http://www (27.4.2007)

Hormone-based blood pressure pill possible - The Mayo Clinic scientists said the study supports the feasibility of developing a peptide-based drug that can be given in pill form to lower blood pressure and that is based on a hormone originating in the heart, called B-type natriuretic peptide Our formulation of an oral peptide is a technological accomplishment that really can advance the field," said Dr Whole article: www (4.4.2007)

Sifting Out Cure For HIV: Special Ceramic Membranes Could Filter Virus From Blood - HIV may one day be able to be filtered from human blood saving the lives of millions of people, thanks to a world-first innovation by Queensland University of Technology scientists QUT scientists have developed specially designed ceramic membranes for nanofiltration, which are so advanced they have the potential to remove viruses from water, air and blood Associate Professor Huaiyong Zhu, from QUT's School of Physical and Chemical Sciences, is leading the development of these membranes, also known as nano-mesh, and said preliminary research had proved it successful in removing viruses from water Nanofiltration is the filtration of minute particles using a filter with extremely small pores "If we can remove compounds from liquids and viruses from water, then there may also be potential to remove HIV from blood," Dr Zhu said Whole article: www (2.3.2007)
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