Brno, Czech Republic (25th - 28th April 2006)
Invited lectures:
JOHN W. DAWSON, JR.Pennsylvania State University, YorkWho was Kurt Gődel and what did he do?
ROGER PENROSEMathematical Institute, Oxford University, OxfordGődel, Relativity, and the Mind
PETR HÁJEKInstitute of Computer Science AS CR, PragueGődel - Completeness - Incompleteness
ECKEHART KŐHLERDozent of University of Vienna, Lauder Business School, ViennaWas Brouwer Platonist in Gődel´s Sense?
JAROSLAV PEREGRINCharles University, Institute of Philosophy, PragueGődel, Truth and Proof
PAVEL MATERNAInstitute of Philosophy, Prague, Masaryk University, BrnoProperties of Mathematical Objects.(Gődel on classes, properties and concepts)
MARTIN GOLDSTERNUniversity of Technology, ViennaGődel and Set Theory
MILOŠ DOKULILMasaryk University, BrnoMay Gődel´s Ideas Be Addressed Philosophicaly?
ALEX BLUMDept. of Philosophy, Bar Ilan University, Ramat-Gan A Note on Consistency
FRANZ EMBACHERDept. of Theoretical Physics, University of ViennaMach, Thirring & Lense, Gődel - getting dizzy in space-time
PAVEL KLEPÁČDept. of General Physics, Masaryk UniversitySome Cosmological Solutions of Einstein Equations
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