Date: 16.2.2012
Biotech scientists are full of ideas. Some ideas are fanciful and never tested.
Some ideas are tested and fail the tests. Others are tested and found to be worthy of implementation and commercialization. How are ideas created? How are ideas tested and implemented? How do ideas contribute to scientific knowledge? How are ideas marketed and sold? And the most important issues: how do you market yourself, your ideas, your organization, and your products?These and many other issues will be presented during BioForum 23-24th May, 2012 in Brno. Emerson Smith, PhD Sociologist, Metromark Research, University of South Carolina, School of Medicine, Columbia SC USA will take us on a journey of ideas. We can have very good ideas. But if we have no support from other scientists and from people who can fund the testing of the idea, good ideas can die. Entrepreneurs in biotech have good ideas. If they are successful in telling others about their idea - marketing their idea - then it can be tested and become a product to be sold. Entrepreneurs need to market the product in order to either sell the idea to someone who will buy it and manufacture the product or entrepreneurs can take the product to market on their own, says Emerson Smith.
Marketing is how we let others know about our research, our patents, our ideas and our knowledge, with an objective of selling our product or ideas. Scientists and scientist-entrepreneurs are often not trained in marketing their services, their company or their products and services. Academic scientists market themselves through journal articles and presentations at scientific conferences. But entrepreneurs must market themselves to a broader audience, including venture capitalists, regulatory agencies, and prospective customers. These issues will be presented during the panel entitled "Marketing your biotech company". Additionally case studies of companies will be discussed.
BioForum is the biggest and the most important event in Central Europe dedicated to the biotech and pharma industry. Starting in the year 2000, it has as a main aim the creation and development of cooperation platform between the companies from the life science sector in the CE region. The creator and the main organizer of BioForum is Bio-Tech Consulting Ltd. (
BioForum - Central European Forum of Biotechnology & Innovative BioEconomy
together with accompanying events will be held on
23-24th of May 2012 in the Conference Centre BVV Trade Fairs in Brno (Czech Republic).
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