Date: 9.3.2011
This year, May 11-12th, during the Central European Forum of Biotechnology and Innovative BioEconomy - BioForum 2011, the 'Masters of Innovation' competition will be resolved. 'Masters of Innovation' is an integral part of BioForum. The participants of the competition are the most innovative enterprises from the biotech sector.
The competition was established to highlight those CE biotechnology companies, which excel in innovations through actions, including, but not limited to, leading cutting edge R&D projects. An important factor is also if and how the companies commercialise the projects. The aim of the competition is to emerge the true leader of biotechnology in our region - says the competition founder and organiserTadeusz Pietrucha, CEO Bio-Tech Consulting.
The potential of the R&D projects carried out, as well as the companies themselves, will be assessed and evaluated by an international jury, including experts from business enterprises (Deloitte) as well as innovative centres of tech transfer (JIC South Moravian Innovation Centre). The main criterion is the mentioned above R&D projects innovativeness. However, the business model, meaning for example how effectively the company finds opportunities to finance its' R&D and R&D implementation, will also be assessed.
The winner will be awarded a specially designed, 'Masters of Innovation' figure with media presence. It is already the second edition of the competition. In the previous year, Celon Pharma (Poland), Proteon Pharmaceuticals (Poland), LentiKats (Czech Republic) were awarded.
BioForum 2011 is a strategic event for investors interested in BioBusiness. During this two day event, the most distinctive biotech / pharma companies from countries like Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia can be met. This is what attracts investors looking for new, attractive investment opportunities, as well as sharing the passion for new, bold investment opportunity creation. The organizer of Bio-Forum is Bio-Tech Consulting from Lodz, Poland, a company having expertise in R&D Project valuation and assessment, as well as experience in R&D project commercialization.
The upcoming edition of BioForum 2011
Central European Business Forum of Biotechnology & Innovative BioEconomy
will take place May, 11-12th, 2011 in Poland, Lodz
Additional information:
Gate2Biotech - Biotechnology Portal - All Czech Biotechnology information in one place.
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