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Nanoparticles damage coronavirus in unexpected way, paving way for new disinfection technology

Date: 31.1.2025 

A new way to neutralize coronavirus and other membrane-surrounded viruses has been discovered by researchers from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and the University of Tartu. Certain mineral nanoparticles were found to damage the membrane of the virus, making it less able to enter human cells.

Kredit: Björn Greijer.The mode of action that is demonstrated has not been discussed in previous research. The technology works at room temperature and also in the dark, offering a range of benefits for disinfecting surfaces, air and water.

Coronaviruses belong to a type of virus that has an outer envelope, a lipid membrane. It turned out that nanoparticles of sand minerals such as titanium oxide bind very strongly to phospholipids in this membrane. This damages the membrane and leads to the release of viral genetic material, thereby making the virus less able to infect cells.

A major advantage is that this happens at room temperature and that it does not require any kind of activation. Previously, it was believed that mineral nanoparticles could only destroy viruses by producing so-called reactive oxygen species, which would require illumination with UV light.

Image source: Björn Greijer.

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