7.4.2015 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
A commonly used pesticide may alter the development of the brain's dopamine system -- responsible for emotional expression and cognitive function - and increase the risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children, according to a new Rutgers study.
3.4.2015 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
Walking across an icy parking lot in winter--and remaining upright--takes intense concentration. But a new discovery suggests that much of the balancing act that our bodies perform when faced with such a task happens unconsciously, thanks to a cluster of neurons in our spinal cord that function as a "mini-brain" to integrate sensory information...
1.4.2015 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
Scientists at Japan's Kyushu University say polymer-wrapped carbon nanotubes hold much promise in biotechnology and energy applications.
30.3.2015 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
When new medicines are invented, the drug may hit the intended target and nullify the symptoms, but nailing a bull's eye - one that produces zero side effects - can be quite elusive.
27.3.2015 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
Biologist at the University of Nevada, Reno authored important paper in leading science journal
25.3.2015 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
Molecular photographs of an enzyme bound to RNA reveal a new, inherent quality control mechanism.
23.3.2015 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
After 200 million gallons of crude oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010, the government and BP cleanup crews mysteriously had trouble locating all of it.
18.3.2015 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
Daniel Chitwood, Ph.D., assistant member, and his research group at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center's in St. Louis, in collaboration with the laboratory of Neelima Sinha, Ph.D., at the University of California, Davis, are using the world's largest single-celled organism, an aquatic alga called Caulerpa taxifolia, to study the nature of...
16.3.2015 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
For most of us, switching to a vegetarian diet might be a matter of a New Year's resolution and a fair amount of willpower, but for an entire species, it's a much more involved process -- one that evolutionary biologists have struggled to understand for a long time.
13.3.2015 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
A mosquito-borne virus that has spread to the Caribbean and Central and South America and has caused isolated infections in Florida often causes joint pain and swelling similar to that seen in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
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