17.11.2014 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
Gloria Bobo-García, a graduate in Food Science and Technology, has proposed in her PhD thesis alternatives to the use of sulphites in potatoes, one of the main preservatives currently used and which, among other properties, prevents the browning that appears after peeling and/or cutting certain foods.
14.11.2014 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
Geologists are letting the air out of a nagging mystery about the development of animal life on Earth. Scientists have long speculated as to why animal species didn't flourish sooner, once sufficient oxygen covered the Earth's surface. Animals began to prosper at the end of the Proterozoic period, about 800 million years ago — but what about...
13.11.2014 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
The technology for creating new tissues from stem cells has taken a giant leap forward. Two tablespoons of blood are all that is needed to grow a brand new blood vessel in just seven days. This is shown in a new study from Sahlgrenska Acadedmy and Sahlgrenska University Hospital published in EBioMedicine.
12.11.2014 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
Planting trees and creating green space in cities is good for attracting species, but it may not be enough to ensure biodiversity in built environments, a University of Iowa study has found.
11.11.2014 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
Adherent cells, the kind that form the architecture of all multi-cellular organisms, are mechanically engineered with precise forces that allow them to move around and stick to things. Proteins called integrin receptors act like little hands and feet to pull these cells across a surface or to anchor them in place. When groups of these cells are...
10.11.2014 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
In early drug discovery, you need a starting point, says Northeastern University associate professor of chemistry and chemical biology Michael Pollastri. In a new research paper published Thursday in the journal PLOS-??Neglected Tropical Diseases, Pollastri and his colleagues present hundreds of such starting points for potentially...
7.11.2014 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
Results can help breeders improve health-related traits in cultivated tomatoes.
6.11.2014 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
Using X-rays and neutron beams, a team of researchers from the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, University of Utah and Oak Ridge National Laboratory have teased out new information about Protein Kinase A (PKA), a ubiquitous master switch that helps regulate fundamental cellular functions like energy consumption and...
5.11.2014 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
In rare cases, patients with allergies to metals develop persistent skin rashes after metal devices are implanted near the skin. New research suggests these patients may be at increased risk of an unusual and aggressive form of skin cancer.
4.11.2014 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
DNA's programmable assembly is leveraged to form precise 3D nanomaterials for disease detection, environmental testing, electronics and beyond.
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