Date: 26.3.2012 - the 1st Central and Eastern European Networking Platform that unites Central and Eastern European Companies from Life Science Sector. It is an efficient tool that saves time and costs in all outsourcing and business development processes, as it significantly facilitates and accelerates the searching process for appropriate business partners.
Our mission is to familiarize Central and Eastern European science, technology and business, as well as to show this regions potential and capabilities for making business.
We want to demonstrate that biotechnology market in Central and Eastern Europe is growing, getting more extensive, therefore more interesting.
Ceitec Cluster
CEITEC Cluster - bioinformatics consists of firms and research institutions focusing on bioinformatics and related fields. The main objective of cluster is to foster mutual collaboration in order to increase competitive advantage of firms. CEITEC Cluster - bioinformatics was established as an association of legal entities in 2006.
Biotrin is a non-profit organization formed by academic community for dissemination of information on modern biotechnology.
Co-operation with the Czech Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture is regular activity of the Association.
Biotrin organised lectures, seminars and courses on GMO for other interested people, e.g. journalists, students, biotechnological companies employees, etc. It organised international meetings, e.g. workshops on safety of insect resistant GMO (genetically modified organisms), or on food safety; and also a conference of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe on legislation of GMO (genetically modified organisms), held under auspices of the international organisation of UNEP(United Nations Environment programme).
Czech Biotechnology Society
Is voluntary, independent and nonprofit organization for all those who are interested in biotechnology, including researchers, administrators, producers and distributors of biotechnological products. Membership is individual or institutional.
Also the status of partners for certain joint activities is welcomed. The Society creates space for professional contacts, exchange of experiences, consulting and problem solving. It is providing information to public and performs various forms of education (seminars, courses, symposia, etc.). Czech Biotechnology Society is also member of the European Federation of Biotechnology
CzechInvest, the Investment and Business Development Agency, is an agency of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Established in 1992, the agency contributes to attracting foreign investment and developing domestic companies through its services and development programmes. CzechInvest also promotes the Czech Republic abroad and acts as an intermediary between the EU and small and medium-sized enterprises in implementing structural funds in the Czech Republic.
CzechInvest is exclusively authorized to file applications for investment incentives at the competent governing bodies and prepares draft offers to grant investment incentives. Its task is also to provide potential investors current data and information on business climate, investment environment and investment opportunities in the Czech Republic.
CzechBio - association of Czech biotech companies was established in December 2008 as a national association comprising of 20 private companies and one academic research institute. In the past years the association managed to develop its activities so by the mid of 2011 its member base has grown to current 33 entreprises and academic institutes.
CzechBio is working to fulfill its mission of enhancing cooperation between private sector and academia and to represent the common interest of the industry towards the Czech government. Furthermore, the association represents its members on number of foreign expos and tradefairs, organize for expert seminars and offer lease of laboratory equipment.
BioVendor Laboratory Medicine
BioVendor – Laboratory medicine a.s., through its three divisions, produces and distributes medical equipment and medical research products for both the Czech Republic and international markets. It also works in close cooperation with Siemens Medical Solutions Diagnostics, a globally respected supplier of immunodiagnostic systems. Maintaining a high standard of customer support services, including training and consultancy, is a matter of course for us.
May Consulting, s.r.o.
May Consulting s.r.o. has started on 2002 in the Czech Republic taking advantage of the know-how based on 22 years of experience from the Great Britain. May Consulting s.r.o. provides full service in selecting and recruiting specialized personnel in manufacturing and building industries, IT and telecommunications, finance, accounting, banking, sales and marketing for both Czech and international companies. Professional consultancy is the fundamental idea and detailed orientation in the job market requirements.
May Consulting s.r.o. also focuses on the potential of fresh graduates having multiyear experience with helping them choose from the wide range of job offers. According to Book of Lists 2007, May Consulting s.r.o. has traditionally placed in the first ten of best agencies in this field and is a member of Czech Society for Human Resources Development.
Horton International Czech s.r.o. and Dittmann Consulting
The development of technology affects the business environment and brings changes to working and professional activities. The demand for qualified personnel with extensive and specialized knowledge has been increasing. Companies invest considerable funds in the education of their employees and under the competitive environment they do their best in keeping and developing quality personnel.
ANF DATA offers complete computer services covering all client needs in the area of information technology and company organisation. In the Czech Republic, ANF DATA is mainly oriented towards trading companies, financial institutions and state authorities. In other countries the company supplies mainly software for data communications. The company's customers include many high-profile companies, well-known in both the Czech Republic and internationally.
Czech Capital Information Agency (Česká kapitálová informační agentura, a.s., ČEKIA) is a leading domestic provider of corporate databases and economic information. After more than 10 years of presence on the Czech market, we offer wide variety of information products and services with added value.
CSOB keeps the position of the strongest, most stable and most powerful bank in the Czech Republic, as well as in the entire region of Central and Eastern Europe. After its successful privatization by KBC, Belgium and the strategic acquisition of IPB, it is dynamically developing its services in order to satisfy both the existing and future needs of its clients.
Brain Logistics, s.r.o.
Brain Logistics s.r.o. is a consulting company founded in 2003 by Viliam Grácz. Viliam Grácz has 19 years of top management experience in the business sector, including six years at the international consulting company Ernst&Young, where he worked as a partner in the business consultancy division and as Chief Executive responsible for business development with emphasis on middle and small-sized companies.
Brain Logistics company was founded with the objective of transferring business know-how, commonly used in large international companies, to middle and small-sized companies in the Czech Republic, in mind. All team members have extensive practical financial, marketing or top management experience in international companies.
Český rozhlas Leonardo
Medical tribune
Our mission is to familiarize Central European science, technology and business, as well as to show this regions potential and capabilities for making business.
We want to demonstrate that biotechnology market in Central Europe is growing, getting more extensive, therefore more interesting for investors.
Gate2Biotech - Biotechnology Portal - All Czech Biotechnology information in one place.
ISSN 1802-2685
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