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RNA lanterns could offer new insights into viruses and human memory

Date: 10.1.2025 

RNA is the molecule that reads the genetic information stored in DNA. It's critical for the proper functioning of cells.

Kredit: UC Irvine.In a new study published in Nature Communications, University of California, Irvine scientists have discovered a way of tagging RNA with a glowing bioluminescent molecule that allows them to track RNA in real time as it moves throughout the body. The work promises to help scientists better understand everything from the way viruses propagate to how memories form in the brain.

"The first step in saying something's going to happen in a cell – the cell is going to grow, adapt, change or anything like that – underlying all of that is RNA," said Andrej Lupták, a professor of pharmaceutical sciences at UC Irvine and one of the lead corresponding authors of the study. Until now, little was known about how and when RNA does what it does inside cells.

"It turns out it's been really quite difficult to know in living cells, and especially in living organisms, when RNA is turned on and where it goes," said Lupták. "If you wanted to study the first 30 seconds or the first minute – nobody knows. But we provide a tool. You can now visualize it."

To tag the RNA, the team used luciferase, the same enzyme that enables insects like fireflies and glow-worms to shine the way they do. Before, scientists were unable to produce the results reported by the UC Irvine team because researchers couldn't find a way to make the luciferase molecules glow brightly enough for available camera technology to detect them.

Image source: UC Irvine.





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