Date: 13.4.2007
Gene cancer tests 'need review' - Decisions over who to test for a high-risk breast cancer gene should not be made solely on the basis of family history, US research suggests Predictions as to whether a woman may develop hereditary breast cancer are often reached by counting the number of female relatives with the disease But this excludes women who do not have many female relatives in whom the disease could have manifested itself The Journal of American Medicine study said testing criteria needed reviewing The study looked at 306 women who had breast cancer and, crucially, no close female relatives with the disease BRCA genes were found in 13 The genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 account for about 10% of inherited breast cancers, and they are also associated with an increased risk of ovarian cancer BBC (21.6.2007)
Breast cancer in a test tube - UK researchers have developed a three-dimensional model of human breast cancer in the laboratory The model, which includes normal cells and tumour cells, should help experts understand how breast cancer develops in the early stages And it may replace the need for experiments in animals, the team at Queen Mary, University of London said More women are being diagnosed with cancer in the early stages and the model could lead to new treatments The model replicates a specific type of early breast cancer - known as ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) Whole article BBC NEWS (10.5.2007)
Important cause of breast cancer found - Researchers of the University Hospital, Basel and the Hamburg-Eppendorf University Hospital have discovered an important cause of the onset of breast cancer It has been long known that the abnormal increase of the copy number of genes, the so-called gene amplification, plays a role in the onset of breast cancer Whole article www (24.4.2007)
Cheap molecule may attack tumors - A cheaply-produced molecule may be the key to treating a variety of cancers, claim Canadian researchers Dicholoroacetate (DCA) has been suggested for years as a possible treatment for certain rare metabolic disorders in children The University of Alberta team, writing in the journal Cancer Cell, now say it could encourage cancer cells to die Experts say much more research will be needed before an effective cancer treatment can emerge Whole article onnews (23.4.2007)
Genes Associated With Adverse Reactions To Cancer Radiotherapy Treatment Identified - Medical scientists at the University of Leicester have announced a potentially unique advance in breast cancer research by identifying two genes associated with adverse reaction to cancer treatment The research could mean people who might react badly to radiotherapy could be warned in advance or alternative treatments be sought The team who carried out the study included Drs Paul Symonds, Mark Plumb, Irene Peat and George Giotopoulos of the Department of Cancer Studies and Molecular Medicine and the Department of Genetics at the University of Leicester Whole article on ScienceDaily (21.4.2007)
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