Date: 29.3.2007
Short chromosomes put cancer cells in forced rest - A Johns Hopkins team has stopped in its tracks a form of blood cancer in mice by engineering and inactivating an enzyme, telomerase, thereby shortening the ends of chromosomes, called telomeres "Normally, when telomeres get critically short, the cell commits suicide as a means of protecting the body," says Carol Greider, Ph In an unusual set of experiments, the research team first mated mice with nonoperating telomerase to mice carrying a mutation that predisposed them to Burkitt’s lymphoma, a rare but aggressive cancer of white blood cells Whole article: http://www (27.4.2007)
Viral Enzyme Recruited in Fight Against Ear Infection - Parents might one day give their children a weekly treatment with a nasal spray of virus enzymes to prevent them from getting a severe middle ear infection, based on results of a study done in mice by investigators from St Middle ear infection, also called acute otitis media, is an inflammation of the middle ear space that can cause pain, fever, irritability, lack of appetite and vomiting The investigators based their treatment on the ability of viruses called phages to break out of bacteria they infect by using a special enzyme to destroy the cell walls Whole article: www (26.3.2007)
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