10.5.2012 | You might be interested...
It is a pleasure to invite you to two talks that are going to be delivered by Dr. Michael Chandler from Toulouse, France, a leading expert on bacterial genetics.
8.5.2012 | You might be interested...
Donť miss the invited lecture at IOCB! Shankar Balasubramanian from University of Cambridge will introduce revolutionary methodology in sequencing of nucleic acids.
4.5.2012 | You might be interested...
16 postdoctoral research positions in various fields are offered at the University of South Bohemia.
19.4.2012 | You might be interested...
Postdoctoral Researcher is wanted at the Faculty of Science of Charles University in Prague.
17.4.2012 | You might be interested...
Prof. Dr. Roland Kanaar from Erasmus Medical Center will give a talk on DNA recombination.
24.3.2012 | You might be interested...
Study life science in Germany! 16 PhD positions are now open to students from all over the world.
15.3.2012 | You might be interested...
The Institute of Biotechnology offers positions for students from all levels.
7.3.2012 | You might be interested...
Volné PhD. místo ve vodní mikrobiální ekologii na Univerzitě v Innsbrucku. Hledáme motivované zájemce o PhD. studium na téma koloběhu fosforu v horských jezerech.
4.3.2012 | You might be interested...
We are looking for a motivated student with biology background to join our international team focused on ecology and evolution of tropical ants.
11.2.2012 | You might be interested...
Institute of Molecular Genetics invites applications for full-time researcher positions in the project "Establishment of the Centre of Transgenic Technologies".
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