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DNA Microarrays and Related Genomics Techniques: Design, Analysis, and Interpretation of Experiments


Authors: David B Allison; Grier P Page; T. Mark Beasley; Jode W Edwards
Publishing: CRC Press
Published: November 2005
# Assesses the validity of statistical methods and how to ensure the quality and integrity of data # Examines critical aspects of designing a microarray experiment, including power and sample size # Presents a general overview of microarray platforms currently in use with an emphasis on high-density DNA arrays # Explores bioinformatics and array design issues that may affect data quality # Offers a meta-methodology and framework in which to evaluate the epistemological foundations of proposed statistical methods # Discusses issues in the analysis of microarray data and new methods for interpreting microarray data Considered highly exotic tools as recently as the late 1990s, microarrays are now ubiquitous in biological research. Traditional statistical approaches to design and analysis were not developed to handle the high-dimensional, small sample problems posed by microarrays. In just a few short years the number of statistical papers providing approaches to analyzing microarray data has gone from almost none to hundreds if not thousands. This overwhelming deluge is quite daunting to either the applied investigator looking for methodologies or the methodologist trying to keep up with the field. DNA Microarrays and Related Genomics Techniques: Design, Analysis, and Interpretation of Experiments consolidates discussions of methodological advances into a single volume.




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