Brussels, Belgium (December 15-16, 2005)
Stem cells aren’t new. Neither are stem cell therapies. For the past 30 years or so, adult stem cells and more recently stem cells from umbilical cord blood have been saving lives and easing the pain for thousands of citizens.They’ve been used to treat leukaemia and other cancer types sufferers. New research developments offer hopes for treatment of a wide range of other disorders or diseases, such as diabetes, cardio-vascular and neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s and Parkinson’s). Many sources of human stem cells, including from embryos are currently explored by the scientists.
Now we want to know what patients know and think about stem cells!
This Conference will be conducted as an open and interactive forum. Seventy-five per cent of the audience will be patients from Europe, whose conditions could be improved, or are being already improved, by stem cell therapies and treatments.
This event will be recorded and made available to the media.
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