9.11.2011 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
The 4th Annual Disposable Solutions for Biomanufacturing conference will provide you with a key platform to discuss the strategic and regulatory challenges of biomanufacturing and find out how others are tackling these – it’s the perfect platform to network, with your peers, meet new suppliers and forge new contacts.
16.10.2011 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
For already 11 years, the BioForum trade fair (www.cebioforum.com) has been attracting to Łódź, the centre of Poland, a number of biotech sector representatives. Attendees are coming not only from Poland and other Central European countries, but also from other countries from all over the world, where the biotech sector plays an important role in...
15.9.2011 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
CzechBio - an association of Czech Biotech companies together with the Institute of Biotechnology and the European Commission Sling Project has prepared one day seminar on bioinformatics databases and patent research.
1.9.2011 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
4th Skull Base Microanatomy and Hands-On Dissection CourseSkull Base Surgery Committee of WFNS Praha, Klub Lávka, sobota 3.9.2011
29.8.2011 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
Week of Science and Technology is the most extensive scientific festival in the Czech Republic, organized by Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (ASCR). It takes place each year at the beginning of November and it is going to be already the 11th annual event in 2011. Students and teachers at secondary schools as well as the wider public have...
28.6.2011 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) is a German government-funded research institute addressing crucial scientific questions in the fields of global change, climate impacts and sustainable development (website: www.pik-potsdam.de). It is a member of the Leibniz Association, whose institutions perform fundamental and applied...
13.6.2011 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
SciTech 2011 Innovation UK Innovation UK we will be discussing how a dynamic UK science and technology base can lead the world in meeting the global and societal challenges that we face. How can Britain develop new technologies, nurture creativity and encourage world-beating products? The conference will outline how UK science and research can...
26.5.2011 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
POSTICK Spring School on Tick Biology and Ecology, České Budějovice 2011
18.5.2011 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
This years' BioForum was a unique opportunity to become acquainted with the most significant, innovative R&D projects, which were carried out in the leading scientific facilities, laboratories and entrepreneurships in Central Europe. The grand opening ceremony of BioForum was led by prof. Tadeusz Pietrucha - the main organizer of the event and...
9.5.2011 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
Commercialisation in Biotechnology, being a difficult and ambitious task, is related to many complex problems. The basic problem is that the scientists, to achieve success in commercialisation, even at the very beginning of leading R&D (applying for a grant), need to bear in mind many aspects which will be significant at later stages of R&D...
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