2.10.2014 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
An international team of researchers has found that the majority of threatened species are 'invisible' when using modern methods to predict species distributions under climate change.
1.10.2014 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
RNA-sequencing allows measuring the gene expression of humans or other organisms. The method has recently become very popular in bioscience and medical research, and it is being adopted to clinical applications.
30.9.2014 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
UC Santa Barbara researchers demonstrate atomically thin, ultrasensitive and scalable molybdenum disulfide field-effect transistor based biosensors and establish their potential for single-molecule detection.
29.9.2014 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
University of Leicester researchers uncover new insights into day-length measurement in flies. Researchers from the University of Leicester have for the first time provided experimental evidence for a genetic link between two major timing mechanisms, the circadian clock and the seasonal timer.
26.9.2014 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
New data has identified a clear link between higher levels of exposure to air pollution and deteriorating lung health in adult European citizens. This study confirms previous findings that children growing up in areas with higher levels of pollution will have lower levels of lung function and a higher risk of developing symptoms such as cough and...
25.9.2014 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
The way in which some cells alter their behaviour at the onset of osteoarthritis has been identified for the first time by researchers at the University of Liverpool.
24.9.2014 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
Over the years researchers have made tremendous strides in the understanding and treatment of cancer by searching genomes for links between genetic alterations and disease.
23.9.2014 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
A new combination of materials can efficiently guide electricity and light along the same tiny wire, a finding that could be a step towards building computer chips capable of transporting digital information at the speed of light.
22.9.2014 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
Hyb-Seq utilizes next-generation sequencing and hybridization-based enrichment for plant phylogenomic studies.
18.9.2014 | Newly on Gate2Biotech
The sea-grass beds of Long Island’s Great South Bay once teemed with shellfish. Clams, scallops and oysters filtered nutrients from the water and flushed money through the local economy. But three decades after the algae that cause brown tides first appeared here, much of the sea grass and the bounty it used to provide is gone.
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